Product Category Rules

The Product Category Rules (PCR) are standards that define how the calculations of the Environmental Footprint and the drafting of the corresponding Environmental Declarations for a certain type of products should be elaborated.

For the certification of an Environmental Product Declaration within the EFI Program, it is necessary that the corresponding EFI (or another recognized program) Product Category Rule exists and that the EPD meets the requirements indicated in the PCR. It is possible to develop a Product Category Rule, if it does not already exist in the EFI Program, at the same time as an Environmental Product Declaration is being prepared.

The Environmental Footprint Institute has defined within its EFI Program the necessary steps for the development of new Product Category Rules, including a critical review phase by the Working Group made up of shareholders, companies and technicians from the involved sector.

The Product Category Rules are freely available, and can be requested from the Huella Ambiental Institute by sending an email to the web address indicated as contact.

PCRs in development

The following Product Category Rules are currently under development. If you are an interested party or related to the sector, please contact the Environmental Footprint Institute to participate in the development of any of them.

Code Name Actual status End of actual status Next status
P-2461 Bottled water for human consumption Final consultation 28-feb-2022 Published

Publisehd Product Category Rules

The following PCRs are published and are valid.

  • P-2141: Leche y productos lacteos
  • P-1148: Vino

  • P-1100: Cultivos vegetales para consumo humano o industrial
  • P-1121: Fertilizantes y abonos
  • P-2245: Cría de ganado, animales vivos
  • P-2250: Piensos y aditivos para piensos (no para acuicultura)
  • P-2255: Productos cárnicos

  • P-1100: Productos de construcción en general (EN-15804)